We are grateful for YOU, our readers.
We’d love to know where you’re celebrating and what you’re grateful for. Let us know in a comment.
We’d love to know where you’re celebrating and what you’re grateful for. Let us know in a comment.
Here’s what some of our Nerdies have to say!
Gretchen: I'm celebrating at home in Dallas, TX. Grateful for my family, my friends, my kitties, and so much more.
Pamela: I’ll be celebrating in Houston TX. I’m thankful to have family visiting from Canada and kids who love to cook with us.
Sara: I'll be celebrating in Jersey City, NJ. I'm thankful for "the boys" (e.g., my husband and son) and this amazingly supportive team.
Ashley: Thanksgiving is tough for many people, marking the start of a season of renewed trauma. I am committed to spreading peace and joy outside of my home this Thanksgiving and holiday season. I am so thankful for the many privileges my family and I enjoy. We are going to share this wealth with delivered meals, phone calls, and excessive kindness to others.
Christina: We are continuing a family tradition of delivering meals to home-bound adults living with chronic illness. Then we will be reuniting with family and friends who we do not see enough - because of the crazy, busy lives we are living. I am thankful for my support system that includes family, friends, and even that random smile or nod from a stranger.
Alexandra: I'm thankful for a loving family, a safe and warm home with plenty of food, good friends, meaningful work, and inspiring colleagues. I hope for a day when everyone can have these things.
Andrea: I'm thankful for all the "good" things (safety, home, family and friends) but the "bad" things too-those experiences allow me the ability to connect more deeply with others.
MK: Celebrating in B’more, MD with a Taco Thanksgiving. Thankful for the humor and flexibility and generosity of spirit that humans are capable of. Thankful for my oldest being home from college and her sib being such a great and enthusiastic bro. And for the fella who just rolls with it when I stay up late researching and writing and editing for TNG!
Stay safe. Stay well.
With love,
Those Nerdy Girls
Thank you to all of the Nerdy Girls for everything you do on behalf of all of us!
We are celebrating with the residents of a nearby drug treatment program in San Jose, Costa Rica. Just living here is enough gratitude for anyone! I will probably be the only epidemiologist there :-)