We find it almost impossible to believe that it’s been 4 years since Those Nerdy Girls was born as Dear Pandemic on March 13, 2020.
We’ll be celebrating for the next two weeks and encourage you to join us! Let us know in the comments how long you’ve been a part of our community and anything you’d like to share with us about this journey we’ve all been on together.
How can you celebrate Those Nerdy Girls on our 4th Nerdyversary?
🤓 Sign up for our Newsletter
Social media algorithms control who sees our content, even for those who follow our page. Our newsletter is delivered straight to your inbox twice a week and guarantees you won’t miss any of our content. Paid subscribers get special perks, like a priority question box, invitations to exclusive Nerdy Girl events, and the ability to comment on our posts. Plus it’s another great way to ensure we can keep creating this essential content!
We have some brand new super Nerdy cool 4th Nerdyversary swag available.
🤓 Financial Gifts
Those Nerdy Girls aren’t going anywhere. While our work was born in a moment of crisis (a really long moment), the need for accessible, practical science is evident now more than ever. We’ve expanded our work to cover other areas like reproductive health, mental health, and aging to serve an even larger audience. The threat of health misinformation persists, and with your help, we are here to fight it.
Those Nerdy Girls are committed to translating need-to-know science, training additional science communicators, and engaging with our community to answer critical questions. Financial gifts allow us to cover expenses and hire support to keep the science flowing at this almost entirely volunteer operation. Please consider supporting us so we can make this important work sustainable.
🤓 Share our Posts
Believe it or not, your friends and family trust you more than us. Really. The messenger is often as important as the message. Our job is to get you the information you need in the right package so you feel comfortable sharing it within your circles. You can do this by hitting the share button on social media, liking our pages, directing people to our website or social media channels, and sparking up science-y conversations. You got this! We have your back.
🤓 Engage
Our followers fuel this mission. Your questions in the question box and dialogue in the comments provide the blueprints for our next steps. These questions and kind words give us fodder and spiritual food to keep on keeping on.
As you consider the above options, please know how much Those Nerdy Girls value each and every one of you. We are grateful for the trust you have in us and your support in this marathon. Together, we can spread practical and factual science near and far.
Stay safe. Stay well. And above all. . . stay NERDY!
Those Nerdy Girls