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Paid subscriber perks: access to a priority question box, commenting privileges, & invitations to interactive events with TNGs.
Your support for our volunteer operation is appreciated by all Those Nerdy Girls!
Paid subscriber perks: access to a priority question box, commenting privileges, & invitations to interactive events with TNGs.
Your support for our volunteer operation is appreciated by all Those Nerdy Girls!
17% cheaper than subscribing monthly
Founding Member
/ year
Paid subscriber perks: access to a priority question box, commenting privileges, & invitations to interactive events with TNGs.
Your support for our volunteer operation is appreciated by all Those Nerdy Girls!
Access to a one-on-one conversation with a member of Those Nerdy Girls
Paid subscriber perks: access to a priority question box, commenting privileges, & invitations to interactive events with TNGs.
Your support for our volunteer operation is appreciated by all Those Nerdy Girls!
Our newsletter is free to all subscribers, but please make our effort financially sustainable if you can!
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